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Hi Readers ! 

 I'm sure none of us would disagree that spending time alone with ourselves is always beneficial, although many might argue that they can’t find the time or that they manage fine without it. I don't think so !  
we can find the time and we need to find the time, because like a car that has begun to swerve out of control while speeding down the road, we too will eventually crash when we’ve ignored our inner selves for too long ... you really need to think a little bet about that, and here is some benefics for spending time alone : 


Our world is so fast-paced and everyone is constantly doing something, that we forget how truly necessary it is to just relax. Your body needs it and your soul really needs it too. When we relax by ourselves in a quiet place, it allows our body and mind to unwind, which is exactly what we need in order to let go of conscious as well as subconscious stress we accumulate throughout the day.


You know how so many people will turn their radios off in the car when they’re trying to follow driving directions and it seems to not make any sense because sound shouldn’t affect your ability to think? Well it does. Noise and the hustle and bustle of every day life makes it hard to just think. And thinking clearly without any distractions is something we need to be able to do every day in order to remain healthy and happy.


We are always in a constant state of becoming; always working to better some aspect of our lives. When we ignore the way we’re really feeling on the inside about stressful situations, conversations we’ve had or plans and goals we’ve made, we lose touch with the one aspect of our ourselves that has the ability to soothe and reassure us. When we’re alone with ourselves, we finally get the chance to think about how we’re really feeling about things going on around us. We can be honest with ourselves and face our biggest insecurities, and once we do that, there’s nothing left to be afraid of. We work things up in our head all day long, so we need time at the end of the day (or the beginning) to release these worries or stressful feelings and remember that everything is going to be okay.

Being able to think clearly as well as getting in touch with our true feelings helps us to find solutions more easily because we know exactly what we need and want to do to solve something we’re facing.
Goals can change by the week, and sometimes by the day. We’re always evolving and refining ourselves, and that means our goals too. You might state a certain goal one month, and then view it differently the next month; it may need revising, rewording, re-strategizing. Without doing this, it’s very easy to lose sight of your goal completely. Being alone with yourself gives you the opportunity to check in with your progress and any true inner desires you have surrounding your goals.


If you’ve been stressed, upset, depressed, worried, or just in a negative funk that you can’t seem to shake off, alone time gives you the chance to take some deep breaths and turn yourself around. Having alone time, depending on when you have it, can alter the day ahead of you if you spend time with yourself in the morning or the following day if you spend your alone time at night. It can make literally all the difference in the world . 

Finally, I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. you need to know how to be alone, because being alone has a power you can't imagine it . 

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